Friday 2 January 2009

oh frens;teman hiburanku

hey,aku nak cite sal frenz aku,yaya n echa.aku sygg korg gler2 taw!

mase nih mase kitorg jln2 kat parkson mega.bosan sgt,kitorg lepak kat fitting rum nih.dlm byk2 pix, aku plg ske yg nih.
mase nih plak mase kat tnds dekat deli country tu kot.ntah aku tak ingat.yaya ane?hahah die pg tnds. x))
kitorg mmg ske lepak lam tnds! haha xp
inilah kaki-kakiz kitorg.hahah.location; fitting rum,parkson,mega.nih echa 0 name sbenar Sofea Nabilla.die kapel ngn ex skandal aku; Iz

nih plak yaya 0 Nadiera Syahirah.die kapel ngn expakwe aku;Razy

tu jer aku nak cite.bye2.thnx fr read yea!

Thursday 1 January 2009

me? ohh im not cute lorrhh

nilah aku kalo korg nak kenal sgt.
aku tade lah lawa,chantek,cute,cun sgt.bese2 jer.
aku juz gewdix,hodoh,gler2 n tak cun n ske dressing sempoi2 jer.

oh my LiFe? juz simpLe.

hey hey
name aku Najmeen Adeebah Azmi
umo? tade la tua sgt, tade la muda sgt.13thn jer.heheh x))
kwn2 kat skola pggl aku Najmeen. tapi, kwan rapat pgg aku Mean aje.
family lak pggl aku Kakak. cuzen2 aku pggl aku Baby 0 Dbah.
quite old ntuk dpggl Baby rite? hahah. xp act, i hate when people called me Baby. even some of my neighbour called me like that. to u, maybe it sounds "manja". hahah but i hate! OMG.
in my life, i only need food,drink,music,Allah,family,love n frens. laptop,phone, n crocs msti la perlu jugak!heheh.aku suke mkn chicken chop, n mknn2 yg sdap! aku ske minum slurpee,choc fantasy n ice lemon tea.mase aku bosan2, aku suke makan lolipop n chocolate. =))
aku duk kat No.3, Lorong Bukit Ubi 25, Taman Bukit Sekilau, 25200, Kuantan,Pahang Darul Makmur,Malaysia,Asia Tenggara,Asia,Bumi,Solar Sistem. n aku taktau da.

dalam family aku, ade papa,mama,along,kakak[aku la weyh!],abg n adk.
papa aku; Azmi Abd Rahman.die berumo 46thn.die keje as Head Region Office Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu AutoMobile Financial Services[amek ko aku amek kad die salin tros! hahah act, aku lupe bapak aku keje pe.] kat Maybank la! sebelah Mydin kat Parkson tuh! ade mase, dtg ah ek! aku tade pon situ! heheh aku duk umah jer.
mama aku;Norihan. umo;42thn.surirumah.kat umah aku la!asal la bengong sgt.along; Najwa Ajeerah Azmi umo 18thn.keje pe? amek tau.huh.adk aku tpi aku pggl die abg, Alfian Azrai Azmi.um0 8thn.skola Teruntum; skola musuh aku.huh, aku benci KA0 la SKTeruntum! adk aku agi sowg, Nylea Alyssya Azmi.aku sygg gler babeng kat die.tanpa die, aku bosan gler babi.aku nih jenis suke brand2 yg agak mahal tpi tak ske nunjuk[NO NO].ramai kawan2 kat skola aku suke pggl aku anak org kaya but i totally hate it.diorg pggl aku gtu juz cuz aku ske pakai brand gni.kalo jadi anak kaya tpi bapak kedekutnyer, baek tayah jadi kaya rite?huh.hate it!papepon, aku ske pakai Guess,Stella,Versace,Tropicana Life,Guess,Guess n Guess.aku ske gler pakai Guess. aku pon taktau nape.oh, n another one, Converse.hurmm aku ske wane MERAH,hitam,putih.bkn gothic k?tu jer la stakat nih.pnat doe mnaep.tak henti2.bye2.
oh b4 that,enjoy this pix.

hujan la plok siot!

love me? ahahha xpp

wedding ucu aku.lame doh.bln3.2008.dapat anok doh pon!
ohh lupe nak bitau.aku asal dari terengganu.~ngee bye2!